

Josep Maria Vilà, President, Catalan Institute of Oncology
Antoni Mateu, Secretary of Health, Public Health Agency of Catalonia, Generalitat de Catalunya
Elena Andradas, Director of Health Promotion and Public Health, Ministry of Health, Government of Spain
Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, Spanish Council of Medical Colleges
Armando Peruga, Tobacco Free Initiative, World Health Organization

10:00 h. OPENING VIDEO CONFERENCE: “Public health impact of e-cigarettes use: risks, benefits, and the tobacco endgame” by Simon Chapman, Professor of Public Health, University of Sydney
10:30 h. DISCUSSION (moderator: Marisa de Andrade)

11:00 h. Coffee break

11:30 h. 2nd CONFERENCE: “New e-inhalation products and potential health risks: The case for regulation” by Martina Pötschke-Langer, Head, Unit of Cancer Prevention, WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

12:00 h. 3rd CONFERENCE: “Secondhand exposure to e-cigarettes emissions” by Esteve Fernández, Head, Tobacco Control Unit, Catalan Institute of Oncology; and Associate Professor, University of Barcelona
12:30 h. DISCUSSION (moderator: Armando Peruga)

13:00 h. Lunch

14:30 h. 4th CONFERENCE: “The marketing of electronic cigarettes and the interests of the tobacco industry” by Marisa de Andrade, Impact Research Fellow, Stirling Management School, University of Stirling

15:00 h. 5th CONFERENCE: “Electronic cigarettes in the EU Tobacco Products Directive” by Francisco Rodríguez, President, Spanish National Committee for Smoking Prevention
15:30 h. DISCUSSION (moderator: Martina Pötschke-Langer)

16:00 h. CLOSING CONFERENCE: “Electronic cigarettes: where we are, where do we go?” by Armando Peruga, Programme manager, Tobacco Free Initiative, World Health Organization

16:30 h. CLOSING REMARKS by Esteve Fernández (Symposium’s Chair) and Candela Calle (General Director, Catalan Institute of Oncology)

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